Parental Advisory: Please DO NOT consume (or let your children/collegues/relatives consume) the new 'Chikkers' at any cost. All the lovey-dovey, sugar-coated, honey-dipped, jaggery-soaked ads that you see in the local trains don't tell u the most important thing – the name of its manufacturer/owner.
After indepth inspection, it has come to moi notice that this brand is owned by non-other than the 'strongest' company in
Oh btw, for the uninformed, Pidlite's other famous brands include Fevicol, Fevikwik and Dr.Fixit. So, you can probably imagine ur plight after biting into a ‘Chikkers’…u’ll be like Keanu Reeves from Matrix…wot use is a phone Mr.Anderson, if ur unable to speak…?!